Awaiting a Sweet Baby Girl | Pasadena Maternity Photographer

I could not be more excited for my older brother and sister in law to become parents!  We took their maternity portraits where they exchanged their wedding vows over five years ago at Vista Del Sol d'Oro.  I absolutely loved their sentimental and creative idea to recreate some their favorite wedding portraits as they anticipate the arrival of their daughter. It's a rare thing to see a relationship where each person truly compliments and completes the other person; but this is what I see in my brother and sister in law's marriage.  I truly could not have asked for a better wife for my brother or a better mother for my niece.  I love them both more than words can express - and I am certain that I will adore my niece just as much!

I know you will be incredibly loving parents and I am thrilled to share this journey together.

I'm glad that I got to sneak into a girls' picture with my sister and niece.  Thanks to my brother for capturing this shot for me. :-)